Spring Has Sprung! or Sprang; A Week in Review


This past week has been a rich and full week.  We celebrated Easter with our neighbors with a grand cookout, celebrated with our parishioners at church, and with our family. Each night this week has been something after work and a workout before each workday.

Friday night, all across North Carolina, star gazing parties formed, peering into the night sky beyond the stars.  My wife, kids and I joined in looking at Jupiter and its four moons, the rings of Saturn,  Orion, and many other bits of the universe as part of the state wide North Carolina Science Festival. Star parties were held across the state.

Saturn and rings

Above is a picture of Saturn with its rings.

From April 5th -21st, there are events all over the state.  For example, Alton Brown of the Food Network is due to pop-in in Durham and Charlotte and discuss science in cooking.

Check out the calendar events on the link http://www.ncsciencefestival.org/

My tulips are blooming, purple, pink and many green sprouts about to burst open. Spring is here!  Spring has sprung, or sprang.  If you are a connoisseur of words, you may enjoy this link I found on words… http://www.nytimes.com/1995/07/16/magazine/on-language-how-shrunk-snuck-in.html?src=pm

If you have not yet checked out the latest episode of Doctor Who: Rings of Akhenaten, then I highly recommend you do!

Yesterday, I attended my friend’s wedding and today I enjoyed a nice run barefoot.  What a great week to be out!  Enjoy each moment, for this life is much too short!

Make It Fun!

God Bless.





Easter Smoothie


HAHA.  I crack myself up sometimes.  I thought I had published my  previous post titled “Springtime Brew”.  However, as I went in to edit it to then make a new post for Easter Smoothie, I suppose I did not make two separate posts.  Oh, well.


I shall recreate what I posted.

I do not eat at McDonalds, nor Taco Bell, Burger King, or pretty much ANY fast food place.  I have many reasons, but generally out of principle, I do not.  Also, we do not have normal tv, cable or satellite.  We have netflix and hulu.  Therefore, I was surprised when one of the kids asked for a “Shamrock Milkshake from McDonalds”.  I stopped into a local grocer and picked up the ingredients I assumed would be in a “shamrock milkshake”.  I found myself amazed, appauled and happy when I was told, “This tastes EXACTLY like a Shamrock Milkshake”.  So, here goes…

I took a quart of Bryers French Vanilla icecream and relocated it into my blender.  I added whole and 2% organic milk (add to the consistency of your liking), 18 drops of green food color paste from Williams Sonoma, and 2 teaspoons of mint extract.

The kids took the recipe from  my Springtime Brew smoothie and took it a step further.  They added colored sugar sprinkles.  I couldn’t help but think it looked Easter-ish.


Make It Fun!

God Bless.

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